CBD Vs CBG: Which Is Better?

CBD Helps To Treat Dog Cancer
Legal Status Of CBG Cannabigerol, or CBG, is another cannabinoid compound that is getting huge popularity like CBD. It's a non-psychoactive cannabinoid extracted primarily from the hemp plant. Hundreds of additional cannabinoids are produced by Cannabis sativa plants. CBGA, or cannabigerolic acid, is the unprocessed form of CBG and is commonly referred to as the

How Can CBD For Glaucoma Work?

Best CBD Products
CBD For Glaucoma More than three million Americans have glaucoma. For the uninitiated, glaucoma is an ocular condition that develops due to fluid pressure accumulating in the human eye. It can make vision deteriorate or disappear. There are numerous different forms of glaucoma, with treatments that tend to vary. Treatment options for glaucoma are in