CBD Health Benefits

CBD has become the wellness Superfood that we all are running to. There is no doubt as to whether pure CBD has captured our attention and our hearts, as the measly market grew to billion dollar valuation proportions in the span of a couple of years, leaving no room for doubt. The State of California alone raked in an estimated $ 1 billion in sales last year. People love CBD and the popularity is not only restricted to the US, but many others, the likes of France and Germany to name.

Of the many CBD health benefits that are brought about by consuming it, one issue that has puzzled researchers is the exact working of the lifesaving drug. The non-psychoactive, therapeutic drug that has been taken by the old and young alike has baffled scientists for quite many years. But we have painted a picture of how CBD actually operates once it is in us; a hazy one, but a picture nonetheless.

The Duet With Receptors

The human body is a marvel of bioengineering in itself. An intricate system of muscles, bones, tissue weaved together to form a complete being. To run something so complex requires many functions and systems working in tandem; one such system that does quite a bit of heavy lifting would be the endocannabinoid system or the ECS. The ECS is a one of kind system, that exist in the bodies of all mammals and ensure the smooth working of several functions like that of the immunity system, the cardiovascular system; even the mood swings and the hunger pangs on seeing a plate of your favourite savouries is bought by the ECS, too!

The ECS is spread all over the body, and one way to interact with it is by the use of the target site. A target site could be tissue or an organ where the enzyme or hormones latch onto, or acts. On doing so it produces desired effects. The human body produces natural compounds called cannabinoids, which is exactly what CBD is. The cannabinoids produced by the body interact with the target sites on the ECS; CBD or cannabidiol does the exact same thing.

The interaction causes the therapeutic effects to kick into high gear, with generous portions of pain relief and anti-inflammatory effects, as sides. The CBD puts you in a relaxed yet controlled state of mind, helping tune out all of the noises of anxiety and putting a lid on the stress that has been making you break a sweat in the middle of an air-conditioned room.