If you have used CBD oil, you will be familiar with its earthy and bitter taste. Not everyone will like the taste and some users hate it. Many people avoid using CBD oil due to its earthy taste and it is not a good idea to put away CBD as it offers many health benefits. Now you need not avoid CBD because of its unpleasant taste, as many CBD beverage options can help mask the earthy taste of CBD oil. CBD tea is one such option that can help you incorporate CBD easily into your routine. Let us see what CBD tea is.

CBD Tea 

CBD tea is simply tea that is infused with CBD. CBD tea is targeted at health and wellness enthusiasts. While not a traditional way to brew tea, hemp leaves can be steeped in hot water to make a healthy drink. The leaves of the hemp plant contain cannabinoids that can be steeped into your regular tea. However, CBD tea manufacturers infuse additional cannabinoids into it to increase the benefits.

You can have CBD tea bags or you may buy CBD loose leaf tea. The CBD loose leaf can be hemp tea and it can have an earthy taste, which can be off-putting for many people. You may have to add large amounts of sweeteners to mask the earthy taste of the tea. The online options for CBD tea are growing, but now you may find only blends like lavender tea and green tea.

Benefits Of CBD Tea 

Tea infused with CBD can be good for many reasons. The first one is that it offers the plausible health benefits of cannabidiol. When used daily as a supplement, CBD can offer a healthy lifestyle to the user and ensure overall wellbeing. Besides, drinking CBD tea can ensure all the benefits of tea. Different blends of tea can have different benefits. For instance, green tea can help increase the metabolism levels of the user and is full of antioxidants.

It is a great idea to combine CBD and tea, as it can offer the body two healthy compounds at the same time. However, while selecting CBD tea, or making it on your own, it is not a good idea to go for unflavored CBD oils. Moreover, keep in mind that CBD oil does not dissolve in water. Therefore, you need to use water-soluble CBD if you are making CBD tea on your own.