Best CBD Oil

The CBD oil you get from the market does not only contain the thick extract made from the hemp plant. It has some other ingredients added to enhance the flavor and effectiveness of this product. So you have to know about these ingredients to choose the best CBD oil for you. Therefore, we list some of the important ingredients that can be present in your CBD oil for your knowledge.

Hemp Extract

This is the major part of CBD oil available in the market. Manufacturers will produce a thick extract from hemp plant parts that contain most of the plant chemicals present in this plant. Some of the important compounds that can be present in your CBD extract are terpenes, flavonoids, omega acids, some other plant chemicals, and most importantly cannabinoids.

CBD is the abundantly found cannabinoid in hemp plants that are used for CBD extraction. In addition to CBD, there is a wide array of other cannabinoids including CBN, CBG, CBC, etc.

Another important cannabinoid that you should know is THC, which is the plant chemical abundantly found in the cannabis plant that is responsible for creating the intoxicating effects. But the concentration of this plant chemical will be very low in hemp plants, which is only 0.3%. Therefore, you don’t have to be concerned about intoxicating effects when consuming products made from the hemp plant.

If you are getting full-spectrum CBD oil, then all the compounds listed above will be present in it. But this product may not suit some people because of the presence of THC. Even minute amounts of this compound can create adverse effects in people with high sensitivity to this compound and it can also fail you in a drug test.

If you are getting broad-spectrum CBD oil, then it will contain all the other compounds, but THC will be excluded from it.

If you do not want any other compounds in your CBD oil except for CBD, then it is better to get oils made from CBD isolates. This product can offer the benefits of CBD without leading to the negative effects that can result from various other compounds present in the CBD extract.

Carrier Oils

Carrier oils are used to dilute the thick hemp extract and they can be beneficial for increasing the absorption of CBD too. As CBD is a fat-soluble molecule, the presence of healthy fats can aid your body to absorb this compound easily.

Some carrier oils included in CBD oil are MCT oil, olive oil, coconut oil, hemp seed oil, etc. So you can choose a product based on the flavor you prefer for your CBD oil.