Health Benefits Of CBD

In the past few years, there has been a significant rise in the popularity of CBD since people are looking for effective natural remedies for their health conditions. Millions of people around the world have started to use CBD products as they realize the numerous health benefits CBD can provide. Today, the CBD industry is a rapidly growing one. Several nations, the United States included, have already legalized the medical use of CBD.

CBD is short for cannabidiol. It is an active cannabinoid that is observed in the cannabis plant. This cannabinoid was discovered in the year 1940 and over the years it underwent many clinical and laboratory studies. These studies show that CBD possesses several therapeutic properties that help in the treatment of numerous health disorders that affect the human body, such as anxiety, stress, arthritis, insomnia, migraine, epilepsy, and skin problems, etc.

CBD is present in both the hemp and marijuana plants but it is mainly extracted from the hemp plant because of the low amount of THC in hemp. THC is the psychoactive cannabinoid that can create intoxicating effects. On the contrary, CBD is non-psychoactive. This makes this cannabinoid perfectly safe to use. Continue reading to know about a few of the unfamous health benefits of CBD.

Promotes Weight Loss

Some studies are showing that CBD can boost metabolism and reduce your food intake. This property of CBD will help in reducing your body weight. Recent animal studies are showing that the interaction of CB1 and CB2 cannabinoid receptors with CBD plays a major role in weight loss. These receptors are very important in metabolism and food intake.

In a recent study, 1.1 and 2.3 mg of CBD per pound of body weight was injected on rats. The results of the study were promising and showed that both the doses helped in a significant reduction in body weight. However, the higher dose of CBD has a pronounced effect. In the study, CBD was injected into the rats instead or administering orally.

Another study on the effect of CBD on weight loss showed that it leads to a significant reduction in food intake and helped the participant to manage the appetite. However, more human studies are required to prove that CBD can promote weight loss in humans. Some anecdotal records are showing that using CBD for weight loss is a good option.

Manage Diabetes

As we all know, diabetes is an inflammatory condition that results from elevated levels of sugar in our blood. The high blood sugar level is caused by either insulin resistance or a low amount of insulin in your body. Recent studies are showing that CBD may be an effective treatment option for type 1, type 2, and gestational diabetes. However, the studies are still in the earlier stages and we cannot conclude anything at this point.

We know that the endocannabinoid system of our body plays a major role in energy metabolism, which is very important for people suffering from diabetes. Some of the recent studies are showing that the endocannabinoid system also has an important role to play in the insulin response of the human body. Insulin sensitivity can be maximized or minimized by the system. This is very important for those who take insulin because their blood sugar levels could unexpectedly fall or rise.

If you are planning on using CBD oil products to manage diabetes, make sure to buy CBD products from a reputable manufacturer. They only produce high-grade CBD products that have no traces of chemical ingredients. Some edible CBD products may contain added sugars and those products can worsen your condition. Therefore, read the label before buying a CBD product.

Promotes Bone Health

Several studies are showing that our endocannabinoid system has a significant role in bone metabolism and the interaction of CBD with the cannabinoid receptors may help in slowing down bone loss. The animal studies showed that the use of CBD helped in blocking the GPR55 receptors and prevent bone loss. In other words, CBD helped in increasing the bone mass by blocking these receptors.

A study conducted in 2009 looked at the effect of CBD on bone loss in rats that had periodontitis. The test subjects were administered with a dose of 5 milligrams of CBD for 30 consecutive days. After the study period, the researchers analyzed the alveolar bone loss in the rats and found that the rats that were treated with CBD showed a significant reduction in alveolar bone loss.

Many anecdotal records suggest that CBD is a safe alternative option for healing bone fracture. CBD’s anti-inflammatory properties help in alleviating several inflammatory disorders that affect your bones. One of the major inflammatory disorders – rheumatoid arthritis is attributed by inflammation in the joints. CBD can decrease the inflammation of the joints, thereby alleviating all the pain that comes with it.