These days you pick up numerous mentions of CBD oil with regard to the treatment of different diseases and health issues. There are plenty of healing possibilities which have been proven to date. That said, cannabis curing cancer is not something which has been established as a given, even though research into that is still ongoing.

What is true though is that CBD definitely has positive side effects, all the way from pain relief to handling anxiety and even managing epilepsy symptoms.

The Common Health Issues Mitigated By CBD Oil

  • Depression, Anxiety, and Stress
  • Multiple Sclerosis
  • Epilepsy
  • Pain

What Exactly Is CBD Oil?

CBD oil or cannabidiol is an extract that is taken out of the cannabis plant, most commonly hemp. It is full of cannabinoids, which are chemicals capable of binding to specific brain receptors. Out of all the cannabinoids, the most well known is THC or Tetrahydrocannabinol, also famous as the compound which causes the “high” after someone smokes marijuana. Marijuana is simply a type of cannabis plant.

CBD oil extracted from hemp has very little (0.3%, to be precise) THC in it, which cannot get a user high. Researchers have found that cannabidiol brings a slew of benefits, such as binding to specialized brain receptors, even when it is only imbibed in minute amounts, such as a few drops. The benefits of this include better mental health, as well as the slowing down of cancer cell growth.

Depression, Anxiety, And Stress

According to studies, this nonpsychoactive compound found in the hemp plant can greatly help people battling depression, anxiety, and stress. Cannabidiol has interactions with the endocannabinoid system (which regulates balance in the body) and on top of that, also positively impacts the serotonin levels in the body, which in turn lets the person maintain positive mood balance. That said, it’s still best to consult a health specialist before taking CBD oil for any mood disorders.

Typically, doses between 300 and 600 mg have been shown to be capable of reducing anxiety, although the effects would still depend on the underlying condition, as well as personal tolerance. For people with long history smoking marijuana, tolerance is usually higher.

Multiple Sclerosis

There has been research done which showed that CBD oil can be effective in relieving symptoms of spasticity which comes with multiple sclerosis. The latter is an autoimmune disorder which can affect the central nervous system, and often causes muscle spasms whose frequency and severity can be addressed by taking cannabidiol. CBD is even able, in these cases, to repair damaged nerves.

That said, for people who have multiple sclerosis, the prescription of CBD can only be done when the doctor sees that the patient is unresponsive to other treatments. Some patients use CBD and THC in combination, and this has been shown to be effective in controlling frequent urination, central pain, and spasticity.


Among the greatest things about CBD is the fact that it can help people with epilepsy. It is good for treating two rare epilepsy forms in children: Dravet Syndrome (DS) and the Lennox-Gastaut (LGS). These are two conditions where the epileptic seizures are very hard to control. One thing that can manage to mitigate and even stave off seizures is cannabidiol. Many patients have reported that the use of CBD oil brought down the number of seizures they had.

Pain Relief

CBD oil is known widely as something which can help with different kinds of chronic pain, including the following.

  • Headache
  • Back pain
  • Arthritis pain
  • Joint pain
  • Knee pain
  • Menstrual pain

There have been studies conducted which suggest that cannabidiol is good for neuropathic pain and inflammation. Meanwhile, microdosing THC seems to have an impact on cramp-relate pain and spasticity. If one does consider such a suggestion from their physician, a combination of THC and CBD could prove the best option if they have chronic pain, especially if they are okay with THC’s side effects. As always, consulting a medical professional first is paramount.

Other Uses

Despite many studies being in their early stages, and there still remaining a need to confirm some of CBD’s uses, right now, the compound shows promising results in the treatment of other health concerns. These conditions include the following.

  • Autism
  • Acne
  • ADHD
  • Inflammation
  • Sleep disorders
  • Smoking and drug withdrawal
  • Diabetes

One of the main reasons cannabidiol is so popular is that it is non-toxic in nature. One can use this compound without worry of too many side effects or long-term damage. The worst that could happen is diarrhea and tiredness, and this only occurs when CBD is taken in overly high dosage, which can be avoided by discussing all aspects of intake with your doctor beforehand.